Eulàlia Valldosera

Vilafranca del Penedès, 1963

The work of Eulàlia Valldosera, an artist who trained initially in the field of painting and who later, after becoming established in Holland, in the ‘nineties, would extend towards other disciplines. From then on, she centred on the public, physical space and its transformation, and the interior space within each one of us and our perception of the external world and sensitive matter, actions she carried out using video, performance, photography and installation for the most part. Objects and events linked to the domestic sphere and the secondary role of the woman, and exercises in introspection in the face of negative experiences are analysed from the feminine gaze and activated on the basis of the artist’s own experience, with artistic practice as the means of healing our world and the human being – conceiving the artist as a medium -, her current line of work.
