MODULE 4. Borders

From 26 April to 5 May 2023

From the perspective of visible and invisible borders, module 4 looks to explore experiences of social innovation related to the heterogeneity of migratory phenomena, the demographic changes that these phenomena produce and the place occupied by people, families and communities that have migrated or are refugees, their rights (or non-rights), their vulnerabilities and the multiplicity of invisible borders. It seeks to question what we understand by integration, which, as Bonaventura da Sousa states, can be either authoritarian or solidary. The former imposes the way in which a system wants groups to integrate, while the second adapts the conditions of inclusion depending on the groups that arrive, and in collaboration with them.

Democratic systems of rights and freedoms are stressed when migratory phenomena overwhelm institutional logics, which very often fail to comply with international commitments and basic human rights for those who are most vulnerable. The rejection of migrants becomes accentuated, emboldened by neo-fascist forces that are often supported by economic and political interests. What are the possible futures and the strategies capable of reversing these processes?

Tutor: David Abril

Wednesday 26 April

4 pm – 6 pm: Presentation and introduction to the module

7 pm – 9 pm: Public conference with Tania Bruguera

Thursday 27 April

5 pm – 8 pm: Seminar and workshop with Hamlet Lavastida and Santiago Alba Rico

Friday 28 April

4 pm – 8 pm: Seminar and idea-sharing session with Hamlet Lavastida and Santiago Alba Rico

Wednesday 3 May

4 pm – 8 pm: Presentation and introduction to the Laboratory. Intervention 1. With Olga Bryukhovetska & Sean Snyder, Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez and Remei Sipi

Thursday 4 May

4 pm – 8 pm: Collective research project. Intervention 2. With Olga Bryukhovetska & Sean Snyder, Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez and Remei Sipi

Friday 5 May

4 pm – 8 pm: Collective research project. Intervention 3. With Olga Bryukhovetska & Sean Snyder, Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez and Remei Sipi