Antispecism and feminisms round table

  • Day: January 24, 2019
  • Time: 19h
  • Space: Auditori
  • Free activity

Linked to the complementary activities of the exhibition “Them and us” we organized a round table on sexism and speciesism. Both are forms of discrimination manifested in oppressive patterns of hierarchy and domination. Morally it has been considered that the ability to suffer and enjoy the lives of human and non-human animals are equal. Therefore, the feminist struggle for equality and against discrimination is also necessarily antispecies. The debate will be attended by Ruth Toledano, animal rights activist, editor of the antiespecista blog El caballo de Nietzsche, on and creator and promoter of Animal Capital, a project of art, culture and animalism; the teacher and activist Estela Díaz and the journalist Carme Buades who will act as moderator.

Ruth Toledano. Creator and editor of the antiespecista blog El caballo de Nietzsche, in and promoter of Animal Capital, whose first edition took place in Madrid in 2016.
Project tutor in the Santillana-Univ Edition Master Complutense. Collaborator in the Cadena SER. During 17 years, columnist of Opinion in El País (from 1998 to 2011) and in the network of regional newspapers of the Prisa Group.Editora in the Santillana Group and coordinator of editorial projects in El País. Publications LGTB, such as Zero and Shangay (recognized commitment with several awards: Pink Triangle 2002, COGAM Journalism Award 2009, Professional Trajectory Award AET-Transexualia 2011, Pen of the FELGTB 2014). Poet (Paisaje al fin y Ojos de quién, Huerga&Fierro Ed., Ellas tienen la palabra, Mujeres de carne y verso, Poetas en La cacharrería…). First woman Official Chronicler of the Villa de Madrid.

Estela M. Díaz. Professor Associate at Universidad Pontificia Comillas and activist for human rights and animals. Law Degree (University of Granada), Master in Sustainability and CSR (UNED and UJI), Master in Research in Economics and Business (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) and PhD in Economics and Business Administration (Universidad Pontificia Comillas). Its research focuses on ethical and transformative consumption, human-animal relations, gender, transitions, theories of power and institutional work. He has presented papers and published in academic journals such as Human Ecology Review, Psychology and Marketing, Macromarketing, Antrozoös and Society & Animals.

Carmen Buades. Journalist specializing in gender. The 2017 will be one of the guanyadores of the premi of youth journalism on violència de gènere del Injuve. He has worked on various mitjans written in the Balearic Islands and has worked on radio programs and published articles on opinions. Actualment is a screenwriter for the Zoom d’IB3 Televisió program.

Ellos y nosotros
24th January 2019 → 24th January 2019

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