• Installation view of the exhibition “Lluís Vecina Rufiandis. Happy the Children of Intranscendent Times”, Es Baluard Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma, 18.10.24-19.01.25. © Es Baluard Museu, 2024. Photograph: David Bonet

Resistant Memories Day

  • Date: December 19th
  • Schedule: consult PROGRAMME
  • Location: Exhibition Hall D and Auditori
  • Free activity with prior registration for the visit (limited capacity: 25 people)

Memory, as a reminder of a lived or imagined past, is part of the discourses of contemporary creators, regardless of possible conflicts with history, as an incomplete construction of facts that no longer exist, but of which we have traces. Its exercise can have a material effect in the generation of spaces for remembrance, but memory is also recorded through very diverse media such as audiovisual, photography and painting, among others.

As an activity linked to the exhibition “Lluís Vecina Rufiandis. Happy the Children of Intranscendent Times”, which can be visited at the museum until January 19, 2025, we propose a day to reflect critically and from multiple perspectives on how contemporary art addresses issues related to historical memory.

The programme will start at 7:15 p.m. with a guided tour to the exhibition, led by the artist Lluís Vecina and the curator Marta Marín-Dòmine. It will follow at the Museum Auditorium at 8 p.m., with the round table Resistant Memories: Politics, Art and Tourism which will feature the participation of the professor of International Law, Margalida Capellà; the writer and researcher specialising in memory and culture issues, Marta Marín-Dòmine; the artist Natxa Pomar, who has worked on archives and memory, and Manel Santana, a historian researching associative movements in contemporary Mallorca and the Civil War. The debate will be moderated by Núria Ricart, who is a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. Her lines of work are monumentality, art and public space and memory.

The session will be attended by Jordi Guixé, director of the European Observatory of Memories (EUROM), who has collaborated on the exhibition. Before the start of the round table, Guixé will introduce the work of EUROM, whose main objective is to promote reflection on the recent history of the struggle for democracy and freedoms in Europe, defending the plurality of memories.


  • 19:15 h Guided visit to the exhibition “Lluís Vecina Rufiandis. Happy the Children of IntranscendentTimes” with the artist and the curator, Marta Marín-Dòmine (Exhibition Hall D)
  • 20:00 h Round table Resistant Memories: Politics, Art and Tourism (Auditori)

Margalida Capellà, PhD in International Law
Marta Marín-Dòmine, PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies
Natxa Pomar, artist
Manel Santana, PhD in History

Núria Ricart, PhD in Public Space and Urban Regeneration


art arte memory tourism Turismo vecina
19th December 2024 → 19th December 2024