artfutura 2014

It was 25 years ago that the cyber revolution promised a new world and an alternate reality of infinite possibilities. But what were the real changes through these years, and in what direction we are going now? 

During all these years, ArtFutura's been an exceptional testimony of all these changes produced in the digital culture area. All these big names have been in ArtFutura: William Gibson, Theo Jansen, Toshio Iwai, Laurie Anderson, Hiroshi Ishii, Moebius, David Byrne, Masaya Matsuura, Howard Rheingold, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Rebecca Allen, Orlan, Stelarc, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Brian Eno, Karl Sims, Marcel.lí Antúnez, Arthur Kroker, Xeni Jardin, Kevin Kelly, Tiffany Shlain…

This ArtFutura edition is presented in Bangkok, Barcelona, Berlin, Mexico DF, Sao Paulo amongst other cities. The aim of this edition is the review and evaluate these 25 years: What we expected, what we didn’t expect, what surprised us… Where we are going… or where de we think we’re going.  

The audiovisual programme analyzes the current moment of the digital creativity introducing the last motion works 3D, virals, motiongraphics and everything connected to new aesthetics.

A new section dedicated to new media installations and its video formats. The new recording and editing systems, increasingly more sophisticated, provide us with new ways to document the artworks and even go beyond the experience of direct contemplation. Featuring works by Paul Friedlander, Zaha Hadid, Daniel Canogar amongst many others.

3D Futura Show
Each year, the 3D Futura Show includes the international leading works in computer animation and reflects the evolution, both technical and in content, of this new creative expression. 

Futura Graphics
Digital animation and beyond: short, viral, video and other works in the search for new aesthetics and languages. 

Feeding the Web
A new type of works, designed to become viral and made ​​exclusively for online viewing. Feeding the Web, we feed ourselves.

6th November 2014 → 9th November 2014