Biel Mesquida commented (and performative) walk through the landscapes of the exhibition of photographs of Carte Blanche to Jean Marie del Moral

A friend talks about a friend

  • Day: May 18, 2018
  • Time: 19: 00h
  • Space: First Floor
  • Free activity

Es Baluard invites the writer Biel Mesquida to intervene on the Carte Blanche to Jean Marie del Moral, coinciding with the International Museum Day and the dynamisation of the rooms of the permanent collection. Mesquida will do it through a performative visit to the main floor of the museum, from five monologues of a libertarian and passionate gaze on the works and ten of a photographer who loves art, poetry and, above all, friendship Gangbed interactions, intervals and entresscords. A party of observers on the work of an artist in the clear chamber.

Biel Mesquida (Castelló de la Plana, 1947). Writer, biologist, critic and reader. Loving the languages ​​of the letters, the sciences and the arts. His first texts, L’adolescent de sal (1973) and El bell país on els homes desitgen els homes (1974), opened a new panorama on Catalan literature. He coordinated the science and medicine section of the Great Catalan Encyclopedia (1972-1980). He directed the communication service and the UIB editions of the University of the Balearic Islands (1982-2011). In his books, especially in Excelsior o el temps escrit, Vertígens, Els detalls del món and Llefre de tu, he has created singular and enchanting verbal music. With Jean Marie del Moral he has made the book L’ull Gaudí (2015) and every Monday collaborate in the column Closcadelletra of the newspaper

literature performing Poetry
18th May 2018 → 18th May 2018