Campo adentro / INLAND

This year the theme of International Museum Day is “Museums and Cultural Landscapes”, and Es Baluard has therefore invited Fernando García-Dory to present his pioneer project “Campo adentro / INLAND” through a free talk that will take place on 18th May at 7:30 pm framed within the museum’s “Paisatges Sostenibles d’Es Baluard”, a programme committed to the landscape of the Balearic Islands which starts out from the works in the collection from the beginning of the century and continues up to reflections and contemporary culture projects on the natural surroundings.
According to ICOM, the theme of “Museums and Cultural Landscapes” reveals the responsibility museums have towards the landscape they form part of, to which they can contribute with their own knowledge and skills, as active protagonists of its management and good upkeep. The main mission of museums is to watch over heritage, whether it be inside or outside of their walls. Their natural vocation is that of extending their mission and performing their activities within the sphere of the cultural heritage and landscape they form part of, for which they can assume different levels of responsibility.

“Campo adentro/ INLAND” is a project on regions, geopolitics, culture and identity in countryside-town relationships in Spain, aimed at testing a cultural strategy that favours the rural.
The project provides an open platform for the research and practice of artists, farmers, intellectuals, rural development agents, rulers, curators and art critics, amongst other actors from the rural and urban medium, for an encounter, and designed to transfer its contents to the rest of society from here.
The current debate on regional imbalances, the transformation of the landscape or the environmental and economic crises, has taken the discussion to new dimensions, formulating a multi-layered criticism through artistic experimentation.
“Campo adentro/ INLAND” introduces the possibility of analysing present-day perceptions and representations of the rural and how this influences the construction of identity. It also enables us to make an interpretation of today’s rurality that brings the threats and opportunities the Spanish countryside is going through into view. The rural is that final, silenced and persistent “otherness”, seen with apprehension and distance at times, and at others with an idealised bucolic nature. In any case, we must examine this reservoir of memory, of knowledge, of relationships with all the attention an uncertain moment of radical transformation deserves. The re-encounter of countryside and town may be key for the transition of our societies towards sustainability.

In short, “Campo adentro/ INLAND” seeks to commence a process, mainly centred on the state level, but also on a par with the development of the current cultural and political debates of other European countries, that will change our way of seeing the countryside, the town and art.

Fernando García-Dory

Having studied art, sociology and agricultural ecology, the practice of Fernando García-Dory confronts cultural conditions under Post-Fordism. García-Dory studied Fine Arts and Rural Sociology in Madrid. Focussed on redesigning the role of the artist as a producer of living culture, García-Dory’s aim is to deal with how human beings relate to nature within the context of multiple facets of landscape, rurality, identity, crisis and utopia. To sum up, their conflict, work directions and the cooperation of microorganisms in social systems through expanded sculpture, collaborative agricultural ecology projects, actions and cooperatives. García-Dory often develops his work in conjunction with art institutions and exhibition halls such as Casco – Oficina de Arte, Diseño y Teoría (2014), Konsthall Tensta (2014), Arts Maebashi Japan (2014), Documenta 13 (2012), Museo Reina Sofía (2010), and Grizedale Arts (since 2007). He won the Leonore Annenberg Prize for Art and Social Change at Creative Time, New York in 2012 and was finalist at the Rolex Awards in 2010. He is a member of the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples, an organisation he has been involved with since 2007. 

An activity "Paisatges Sostenibles":

With support of:


18th May 2016 → 18th May 2016