Conference "Artists' ateliers: Miró and Sert, Tàpies and Coderch" by Jacques Terrasa (University of the Sorbonne, Paris)
- Day: June 7, 2018
- Time: 7:30 p.m.
- Place: Auditori
- Free activity
- Language: Spanish
As a final activity of the Carte Blanche to Jean Marie del Moral, Es Baluard organizes a special lecture by Professor Jacques Terrasa under the title “Artists’ ateliers: Miró and Sert, Tàpies and Coderch”.
From the “great atelier” dreamed by Joan Miró and made by Josep Lluís Sert in Son Abrines in 1956, to the house-workshop of Saragossa street, which Antoni Tàpies entrusts to the architect Antonio Coderch at the beginning of the 60s, they are barely seven years old , but yes, in appearance, a great conceptual distance: a Mediterranean, open and solar workshop for Miró; an interior space, secret like a cave, for Tàpies. Through the study of representative paintings for each painter – the Blau triptych (1961) for the one, the Gran nus (1982) for the other – it will be analyzed to what extent it is possible to establish a metonymic relationship between the workshop and the work that is born within it.
Dr. Jacques Terrasa (Marseille, 1953), professor of contemporary Spanish civilization at Sorbonne University. Co-director of the Visual Arts axis of the CRIMIC (Centre de Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les mondes ibériques contemporains) of Sorbonne Université. He has published some seventy-five articles on Hispanic visual arts, especially photography, and several books on Bernard Plossu, Pablo Picasso and Joan Fontcuberta among others.