Conversation with the artist Irene Pittatore (European project THE SPUR)

The last October 10th the Italian artist explained in the museum the project developed during the months of October and November on the subject of tourism.

Her residence on the island takes place within the framework of “The Spur” –lead by Bòlit. Contemporary Art Centre. Girona, in which participate, besides of Es Baluard, Centre d’Art Le LAIT – Laboratoire Artistique International du Tarn (Albí, France), Bureau des Arts et des Territoires (Montpeller, France), Fundació Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Sputnik Oz (Bratislava, Slovakia), Fondazione per l’Arte (Rome, Italy) and the Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean. The project is set to be developed for two years (2016-2018) and its aim is to create a European cooperation network focusing above all on the field of visual arts. It has two key objectives: to develop innovative projects for building the professional capacities and transnational mobility of creators and to implement transnational co-management processes between different organisations.

Irene Pittatore’s residence in Es Baluard for an artistic research on the effects of tourism in Mallorca is possible thanks to the collaboration with Addaya Center d’Art Contemporani (Alaró) which has also participated in various European projects. In this call, the commissioner Tolo Cañellas has been selected as mentor of the resident artist.

10th October 2017 → 10th October 2017
