Cross tools, strategies and projects from contemporary art to museum and school

The museum launches together with CEP its first training seminar for teachers with three objectives: to acquaint teachers museum and the possibilities of working through contemporary art in the classroom, start a continuous training action to create a community of staff working long term from contemporary art and, finally, create a networking platform that allows to visualize and share teaching experiences from the result of the synergies between the museum and the participating schools.

The seminar is of theoretical and practical sessions spread between the museum and the CEP facilities.

It will be led by the museum’s Department of Educational Development, Education and Public Programs and will also feature the participation of Alfred Porres. The speaker is Professor of Visual and Plastic Education in secondary education, teacher trainer (URV’s ICE and the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya) and director of the program Aula al Pati (within the program Lo Pati – Centre d’Art Terres de l’Ebre). Doctor by UB, he combines his teaching career with educational research and artistic practice and is the author of the book “Relaciones pedagógicas en torno a la cultura visual de los jóvenes” (Octaedro, 2012).

Detailed information and enrolment:

5th November 2014 → 20th May 2015