Es Baluard joins the acts of the Day of the Mental Health with a series of activities. The museum's Education area will held an action on October 10 wirh users of the Gesma's area of ​​Mental Health and pupils of  5th and 6th of the CP Genova, where users will explain to the children which of the museum's works they prefer and why. Later, th students will write a postcard to each user telling what have they learned from them. This activity is not public.   The same October 10 at 12 and 17.30 pm, will be screened at the Aljub the following documentaries related to mental health: 

1 de cada 4. La Salud mental Importa 
Junta de Andalucía. 2007. 
Dur. 4’ “

Sin diferencias 
Asociación E-Tradis. Foro Eukalia. Junta de Andalucía. 
Dur. 9’09’’ 

Enfermedad mental y Estigma 
Asociación AVELAÍÑA. GALICIA. 2012. 
Dur. 3’54’’ 

Depresión y Tratamiento en Psicología Clínica y Psiquiatría 
Thevalle323history. TV2. Redes y otros. 2011. 
Dur. 51’58’’ 
Punto Informativo sobre Depresión. ASM GESMA. Tiempo de lectura 12´. 

Proyección de momentos del Área de Hospitalización SM GESMA
Dur. 10’
  Organized by Club Social AMICS y Terapia Ocupacional. GESMA.

10th October 2012 → 10th October 2012