Sessions in the museum timetable 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
FIVA is the International Videoart Festival that has been held annually since 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Festival, which is part of the FES of Es Baluard, aims to disseminate audiovisual artistic practice in the format of video art, thus benefiting the production of filmmakers. It also proposes to disseminate contemporary languages to reduce the gap between current artistic production and the general public.
From the outset, the festival raised the need to generate the circulation of selected works beyond the ambit of the city of Buenos Aires. This diffusion has both national and international scope. In the 2016 edition, 647 works by 631 artists from 57 countries of the 5 continents were presented, consolidating their position in the annual calendar of international festivals. In 2012, the support of INCAA (National Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts) was obtained, which continues to the present day.
Jury: Valentina Montero Peña (Chile), Antonio Weinrichter López (Spain) and Rodrigo Alonso (Argentina).
First Prize: “Auxiliary Mirrors” by Sanaz Sohrabi (Iran). It is a video essay about the “status of the image”, its materiality and latent in the narrative that may or may not become visible. In other words, what is visible and within the framework becomes equivalent to what is missing. Auxiliary Mirrors looks at images not as mere reflection or representation, but rather as objects and materials of their own. Structured as an essay, it juxtaposes and reshapes four sets of images in order to weave them through their common structures, allowing them to exist as part of a continuous whole.
Second Prize: “Cómo hacer llover” by Edgar Endress (Chile). The video is structured around the belief among Quechuas, that to make it rain sometimes it is necessary to go to a “pacheta” (high peak) to burn llama manure. The video is a poetic exploration of the ongoing struggle of man in the Andes confronting the forces of nature, also the debris of a Spanish colonial system that acts as a reminder of a control instrument imposed on the way of life of the groups Indigenous people in the place. “How to make rain” is an attempt to amalgamate a poetic narrative of daily life and the interrelation with nature, work and memory.
Third Prize: “Campo” Berio Molina (Spain). “Campo” is a space where a reality becomes sensitive. An area where three elements interact (microphone, body and amplifier) making their aesthetic relationships sensible. Field is that place where the elements show the aesthetic phenomena derived from their relation. As a result of this interaction a series of actions are produced that are ordered in two blocks.
Mentions: “The threshold of glass” by Ana Rodriguez León (Spain); “2Rabbits” by Kristina Frank and MerviKekarainen (Sweden); “Landscape for a person” by Florencia Levy (Argentina).