GranGent/GentGran 2011
Senior citizens are a huge group of people with many things to offer and whom we have a lot to learn. “GranGent/GentGran” is an activity program that, with music, artistic and social education and cinema as tools, is conceived to listen to the senior citizens’ experiences, talk on the themes they’re interested in, to creat connections with other senior citizens, to interact with grandchildren, work with family memories, know their past and present, in short to share time, values and emotions.
- Això era així…?
- Caixes d’història de vida
- Gent gran de pel·lícula
- Les veus de l’experiència
- Presentació de projectes amb gent gran
- Sargir memòries
- Som present’s
- Closing Event of GranGent/GentGran