I a fora què?

Location: Observatori

«I a fora què?» is the presentation in an exhibition format of four educational projects carried out during 2017-2018, all of them developed with different groups. These projects exemplify how important it is to extend the museum’s action beyond its walls, extending its territorial scope in order to network with the diversity of communities that integrate the Balearic society.

Likewise, the presentation shows contemporary art as a tool within our reach, which allows us to reflect on memory and the past, our realities, the current issues and allows us to project a different future, as well as the fact that the museum is a social motor , which is evident in this presentation of processes and results of the different projects.

  • «Body and gender: transversal projects from contemporary art. Teachers Permanent Training». A teacher’s permanent training program applicable in the classroom, organized jointly with the CEP Palma Jaume Cañellas Mut and with the collaboration of ESADIB. We worked on gender issues related to the language of performance. During the academic year 2017-2018 teachers and students from: IES Guillem Sagrera, IES Joan Maria Thomàs, IES Josep Sureda i Blanes and IES Can Balo have participated in the project.
  • «From the neighbourhood to the residential complex. Es Baluard inter-district project the EMT in the BUS n.7 of Palma». A project in process that aims to create, based on contemporary artistic practices, a map of the different districts of the city of Palma that are crossed by line 7, using the bus itself as a visibility platform. It is a project organized jointly with the EMT and with the collaboration of the Guillem Cifre de Colonya Foundation. During 2017-18 we have worked with a group of residents from the neighborhood of Son Gotleu.
  • «Entre Teles (Between Fabrics)». Working with the elderly is one of the lines that the museum continuously develops. This project is framed within the «Gran Gent/Gent Gran» program, and on this occasion participants have been invited to reflect on historical memory and genre issues, using the exhibition «Permanent collection» as a starting point.The project has been carried out in geriatric centres of Palma, Costa d’en Blanes and Alcúdia, thanks to the collaboration with Domus Vi.
  • «Traspassem els rols. Què passa! (We trespass roles. So what?) Gender and performance». Run in parallel to the exhibition of Sükran Moral, this project of the Institut Balear de la Dona, led by Aina Bauzà and with the supervision of the education department of ​​the museum, keeps exploring the line of work around gender and feminism that the education department has been carrying out as a part of its DNA. Work has been conducted with a group of women using the art pieces of this feminist Turkish artist as a starting point, in order to transfer to the “here and now” the gender problems she explores in her works and to reflect about them.
Educación Education Educational projects exhibition exposición proyectos educativos
28th August 2018 → 23rd September 2018