In 2013 the theatre company Produccions de Ferro celebrates its 15 anniversary. That is the reason to request to the Catalan photographer Francesc Meseguer to put together some of the actors that have been part of the shows and to create an artwork that approaches the reflexions about acting and the acting work. The result is the video piece: JMRAADLJXTCREA that Es Baluard hold as a collaboration.


In a dark room, there is a video projected on a wall, is a loop: 14 actors come out from the darkness, they remain a few minutes in front of the camera, and then they move away. During the piece, we hear fragments of All-night Vigil (op. 37), Rachmaninov’s.

Actors in order of appearance:

Joan Bibiloni, Meri Yanes, Rafael Ramis, Albert Prat, Agnès Llobet, David Planas, Lina Mira, Joan Manel Vadell, Xesca Vadell, Toni Gomila, Cristina Cervià, Rodo Gener, Enka Alonso and Àlvar Triay.



Produccions de Ferro

It's a Majorcan theatre company, producer of shows and cultural management that was born on 1998 as a cultural association and it became professional in 2003. During these years it has participated in the foundation and growth of children's theatre companies, all ages theatre and has developed intensive tasks in the field of the performing arts in the Balearic Islands. The director of Ferro Productions is Toni Gomila. As a cultural manager has been in charge of the theatres of Artà (2000-2004) and Petra (2005-2007), and as an actor, he is best known for his work in the world of professional theatre in the Balearic Islands and in the regional television.

Francesc Meseguer (Barcelona, 1976)

As a photographer he has worked at Centre Arts Santa Mònica, Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, TNC, Discmedi, Biblioteques de Catalunya, Hamlet Magazine, IAB Europe, Por la Danza, etc. 

16th September 2014 → 18th September 2014