"Les Clíniques d'Es Baluard" is the first training program launched by the museum. This Es Baluard's project from the Traning Area aims to promote professionalism in the arts from the museum institution, delivering tools of analysis, knowledge and coaching of the professional artistic practice. This project is open to all professional artists or those in the process of professionalization, regardless of age, that fit into a coaching program.

"Les Clíniques d'Es Baluard" aims to develop specialized modules to assess and promote the careers of artists worldwide, but with special emphasis on artists from the Balearic Islands. It's based, among others, on: the analysis and review of portfolios and dossiers, the concept of being an artist today, copyright, museums galleries and spaces in between relations. The project is a collaboration of several organizations of Palma and renowned professionals.  

The project will have two major group meetings and during the six months will be tutorials by four experts, to offer their services in the museum or via Skype. There will be eight tutorials, two per expert.

The experts are:  

  • Nekane Aramburu, Es Baluard's director.
  • Javier Duero, curator and cultural mediator.
  • Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, curator and art critic.
  • Piedad Solans, curator and researcher.

The advisory committee carries out the selection of candidates. The committee is formed by:

  • Nekane Aramburu, Es Baluard's director.
  • Javier Duero, curator and cultural mediator.
  • Paco Espinosa, president of the Association of Visual Artists of the Balearics (AAVIB).
  • Mercedes Estarellas, curator and cultural manager.
  • Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, curator and art critic.
  • Juan Carlos Rego, curator, editor and art critic.
  • Pilar Ribal, director of Fundació Palma Espais d'Art.
  • Piedad Solans, curator and researcher.

The project has two major events:

  • The first work session is on September 27, 2013 at 10 am and consists of a collective presentation. It's a one-day-length intensive session with a viewing of digital portfolios and joint analysis. Each participant receives before a PDF kit of texts.

  • The second working session is on 28 March 2014 and covers the final presentations and a collective joint analysis group.

With the collaboration of:

27th September 2013 → 31st December 2013