Masterclass by Javier Vallhonrat "Exploring the process"
- Date of the activity: November 3, 2017
- Hour: 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Place: Auditori
Within the program Es Baluard ImageResearch, a stable program of the museum focused on the study and analysis of the evolution of the image throughout the history of art through masterclass, seminars, courses and artistic missions for specialists or groups interested in the continuous training, Es Baluard organizes a new masterclass.
On this occasion we invited the renowned photographer Javier Vallhonrat, with work in the museum collection, who on November 3 will introduce us to the complexity of his work and propose a practical exercise with the subscribers.
The methodology of the masterclass will thus have two parts: a theoretical, in which the photographer will introduce and review his work, making a review of his artistic career. In addition, it will analyze and monitor the theoretical and conceptual elements of the project notebook. Once the theoretical exposition is finished, a practical exercise will be done.
The price of the registration is 30 euros and places are limited.
Javier Vallhonrat (Madrid, 1953) graduated in Fine Arts and Psychology, this artist has chosen photography to investigate its limits as a language, making it dialog with painting, video, performance, word and installation.
Throughout more than three decades, he has given courses and seminars on photography creation and artistic creation processes in universities and cultural institutions in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
Among his main solo exhibitions are those held at the Taidemuseo Porin, Finland; Abbey of Montmajour, France; Santa Monica Museum, Barcelona; National Center for Photography, Paris; Fundación Telefónica, Madrid; Canal de Isabel II, Madrid and Museum University of Navarra, ¬Pamplona.
Of his collective exhibitions, the following should be highlighted: Museum of Modern Art, Paris; National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, Madrid; La Caixa Foundation, Barcelona; Cartier Foundation, Cahors; Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA; Palace of the Triennale, Milan; Center Pompidou-National Museum of Modern Art, Paris, and Museum of Modern Art Grand Duc Jean de Luxembourg.
His work is present, among other collections, in the Collection of Contemporary Art of the Community of Madrid, National Museum of Art Reina Sofía and Collection Bank of Spain, Madrid at the Maison Européene de la Photo de Paris, The Marsh Collection (London ), International Polaroid Collection (Boston), Philadelphia Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art Grand Duc Jean of Luxembourg.
Javier Vallhonrat’s work has been honored with numerous awards including the National Photography Prize 1995 of the Ministry of Culture, the Award of Excellence of the Society of Newspaper Design of the USA, the Silver Award of the New York Times Magazine, USA , 1994, Art Directors Club 76th AnnualAwards, USA, Bartolomé Ros PhotoEspaña Award 2007, Villa de Madrid Photography Prize 2009 and Community of Madrid Photography Prize 2009.