The series "Feim Films: Feim Biopics" of Balearic cinema screens in this third edition the documentary La pintora sense rostre (the faceless painter), focused on the figure of Pilar Montaner, an artist unfairly forgotten by History. Pilar Montaner Sureda (Palma de Mallorca, 1878 – Valldemossa, 1961) was an impressionist painter of the early twentieth century, student of Joaquín Sorolla among others.
Mother of eleven children and wife of Joan Sureda, heir to the Palau del Rei Sanxo of Valldemossa, she lived between luxuries and children, art and culture. Illustrious writers lik Unamuno and Rubén Darío Sureda passed by this palace. In this context of cultural activity, Pilar Montaner was one of the few Mallorcan women that could spend her time to painting and her work was exhibited in the most renowned galleries in Barcelona and Madrid. However, the life of this artist was not all colors. It featured grays, which are reflected -as well as her artistic talent- in this film.
Es Baluard holds after the screening a panel discussion with this film's directors, Luis Ortas and Jaume Carrió.
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