Presentación a cargo de Daniel Castillejo, presidente en funciones del IAC y director de ARTIUM (Vitoria-Gasteiz)

Last year, the board of the Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo (IAC) approved make visible support for an “Es Baluard’s 10th anniversary” activity with a session in which this professional association would be presented as wel as its work on Transparency. This activity will take place on Thursday April 23 at 7 pm and will consist of a lecture entitled “El Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo: una asociación de profesionales del arte y los modelos de transparencia” (the Institute of Contemporary Art: an association of professional art and models of transparency) by Daniel Castillejo, acting chairman of the IAC and director of Artium (Vitoria- Gasteiz).
The IAC develops initiatives to encourage the improvement and upgrading of the institutional network dedicated to contemporary art, to ensure the progressive implementation of good practices and promote a new social perception of art.
The Working Group of transparency is to contribute to the introduction of effective mechanisms of transparency in the management and operation of directly or indirectly dependent on the public sector arts organizations, either be embedded / linked in / Public Service or receive or administer public funds. To this end, it promotes the development of a transparency index to be applicable to public and private institutions in order to make available to citizens and artistic community relevant information about its management and operation.
After completing this session, there will be an internal meeting with members of the IAC the Balearics and professionals.



24th April 2014 → 24th April 2014