4 and 5 of October 2012. Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma

Thursday, October 4
3.00 p.m.  Registration
3.30 p.m. Seminar presentation
4.00 p.m. “Cartography of the artistic intervention in hospitals in Spain”

Manuel Hernández Belver, Head of the Department of Plastic and Visual Expression, Faculty of Fine Arts, University Complutense of Madrid
5.00 p.m. “The artist and the illness”

Glòria Picazo, Director of the Centre d’art la Panera
6.00 p.m. Break

18.15 pm: “Proyecto cuidArt del Hospital de Dénia: un espacio de Salud”
Alicia Ventura, director of the cuidArt project, Hospital de Dénia.
18.35 pm: “La ilustración infantil contemporánea como recurso para humanizar los hospitales pediátricos”
Esperanza Fernández, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca
M Josep Planas & Núria Serrallonga, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
Ana Mª Ullán, Universidad de Salamanca, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona
18.55 pm: “RELAT@S. Construyendo nuevos significados con usuarios de Son Dureta”
Katia Martorell, chief at the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró's (Mallorca) Education programme
19.15 pm: “Algo más de color. Terapia Habitación de Hospital”
Mónica Alonso, artist and member of the Asociación cultural Sen Marco

Friday, October 5
9.30 a.m. “INVIHSIBLE? project of therapeutic support and art group creation”

Sebastià Mascaró, Es Baluard Education Area
Sonia Justo, psychologist at Alas (Associació de Lluita AntiSida de les Illes Balears)
Carles Gispert, artist
10.30 a.m. “Creative tools in the hospital field”

Roser Sanjuan, Centre d’art la Panera Educational Service
Fuensanta Espluga and Albert Rosinés, participants of the project “Contemporary Art in the hospital. The hospital as a space of reflection”
11.30 a.m.Break
12.00 noon “«Culture à l’hôpital» programme, BBB art center / Joseph Ducuing Hospital, Tolouse (France)”

Cécile Poblon, Artistic director of the Bbb art center
1.45 p.m. Lunch
3.30 p.m. “Art and the challenges of the representation of pain”

Xavier Antich, Professor of aesthetics and Director of the Master in Communication and Art Criticism at the University of Girona
4.30 p.m. "Art, trauma and treatment"

Francesc Torres, visual artist

17.45 pm: “Autoretratos en el hospital”
Miquel Salom, coordinator of the INeDITHOS (UIB) programme at Hospital Son Espases
18.05 pm: “Un camino de posibles”
Carina Moreira, artist, educator and member of the Asociación Espacio Rojo
Camino Bengoechea, musician, educational psychologist and musician-therapist at the Hospital Universitario Madrid Montepríncipe
18.25h “Salud Mental y arte contemporáneo: nuestra experiencia”
Mercedes Seoane, Raquel Martínez, Asunción Clar, occupational therapists and
Margarita Vilanova, coordinator and clinic psychologist.
Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional del Área de Salud Mental de Gestión Sanitaria de Mallorca
18.45h “Intervención de los Payasos de Hospital para reducir el malestar infantil en niños hospitalizados”
E Ponsell, Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de la UIB
K Chellew y G García de la Banda, Departamento de Psicología de la UIB
M Sansó, Hospital Son Llàtzer
D Vicente, Hospital Son Espases
J Cumellas and A Ferreira, Sonrisa Médica
A Martín, Sonrisa Médica and Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de la UIB

4th October 2012 → 5th October 2012