Retrats sense motllo (portraits without mold)
From the Es Baluard Department of Educational Development, is placed special emphasis on working with and for different groups that need support for integration from their programs.
The partnership and collaboration with the Mental Health Hospital has developed continuously since 2008 and is formalized with an agreement in 2010 between Es Baluard and GESMA (Area hospital Mental Health at present).
During this time the professionals in the field of mental health and education of the museum have worked together to develop initiatives based on the experience of contemporary art that are useful to users of the Department of Health Hospital mental. So the museum has become a place nearby, facilitator of culture and normalized in the process of rehabilitation of persons with mental illness.
Since 2012 Es Baluard collaborates in celebration of International Day of Mental Health programming activities for this day as the exhibition “Retrats sense motllo” (portraits without mold). This exhibition tries to present the results and the process carried out with 6 patients in the Geriatric Unit of the Department of Mental Health Hospital. Another line of activities in celebration of the October 10th is focused on non-stigmatize this collective programming activities which connect persons with mental illness and primary school groups. This year we had the participation of a group of students from Primary 4 – CEIP Es Pont.