• ©Daniel Ruiz Aguilera

Lighting phenomenon observation of the winter solstice

Coinciding with the date of the winter solstice, Es Baluard Museu and the Balearic Society of Mathematics XEIX, jointly organize the observation of the light effect that originates in the Cathedral of Mallorca and that can be seen from the museum’s terraces. A phenomenon that occurs in the month of December and that allows the sunrise to be seen through the two rose windows of the cathedral – the main rose window and the rose window of the main façade – thus creating a kind of giant kaleidoscope of light and colour.

Once the lighting effect has been viewed, the conference “Formas y Sombras” is scheduled to take place at the Aljub, given by Joaquín Sevilla, doctor in Applied Physics and professor at the Public University of Navarra. Sevilla is currently the director of the Chair of Scientific Culture at Kutxa – UPNA, with a long career linked to the field of scientific dissemination.

The shape of an olive, the arrangement of the leaves of a bud or the shadow of a table have their own particular shapes, whimsical figures that may seem purely coincidental but which in reality obey reasons that can be known. In this lecture, Joaquín Sevilla will review everyday images in search of the explanations behind the shapes we observe.


  • 7:30 a.m. Museum doors open
  • 8:00 a.m. Gathering at the Baluard de Sant Pere
  • 8:15 a.m. Observation of the light phenomenon from the terraces of Es Baluard Museu
  • 8:30 a.m. Lecture “Formas y Sombras” by Joaquín Sevilla (Aljub)

The light effect of the solstice was discovered, studied and disseminated by the Balearic Society of Mathematics SBM-XEIX, which since 2007 has brought together followers around the phenomenon, with the aim of disseminating mathematical knowledge.

cathedral Christmas light solstice winter XEIX
21st December 2024 → 21st December 2024

SBM-XEIX - Societat Balear de Matemàtiques SBM-XEIX