The world seen from my mobile phone. GranGent/GentGran

From Balzac’s phrase “single is everyone and everything truly great”, photographer Toni Amengual proposes to know the little details defining the lives of older people from taking pictures with mobile phones, devices that currently record and share images. This is based on photography as a game, a fun exercise, a stimulating need to communicate aimed only to communicate and express with images.

“The world seen from my mobile” is aimed at people over 60 wishing to communicate through images and words, the tools provided by social networks. Importantly, to participate no previous knowledge of photography is required.

The workshop consists of three classroom sessions of three hours each and a further online process monitoring. The structure, specifically, is the following:

  • DAY 1. Introduction to street-photography, authors, and references. Design a Facebook group where pictures are hung and through which all participants can communicate between each classroom session.
  • DAY 2. Session of analysis of the reactions at the facebook page. Editing materials generated during the intermediate time. Field trip to learn and see how to make street-photography with the mobile device.
  • DAY 3. Editing and reflection on all material produced and experience. Editing and formalization of the whole experience in a multimedia installation.
23rd January 2014 → 25th January 2014