Workshop ephimeral architecture and cultural spaces

Es Baluard launches a theoretical-practical architecture workshop with Andrés Jaque and Nerea Calvillo to produce a construction serving as an educational museum space.

This training is intended as a theoretical and practical process of ephemeral architecture in cultural spaces. The project is based on ideas of participatory and sustainable construction solutions with the collaboration of Fundació Guillem Cifre de Colonya and the Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de les Illes Balears (COAIB), amongst others.

The workshop is meant as a two-part process:

-A speculative phase online, starting in December 2014. On December 18, Andrés Jaque and Nerea Calvillo will give a lecture open to the public, and on December 19, it will be a first briefing with teachers. Once the group is assembled, teachers will start the process, distribute tasks and configure the schedule performance. This phase will culminate in April 2015 with a workshop to build classroom space.

-A Production phase, a workshop during a classroom and an intensive action that will lead to the final construction of this space. From April 7 to 11, 2015 in Es Baluard.

The process with have the participation of Joana Canet, architect designated by the Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de les Illes Balears (COAIB), who will conduct and coordinate fieldwork with participants and local staff.

This is an international competition in which a team of 10 participants for the practical workshop and critical analysis prior work with teachers will be selected.

Registration and Requirements

Audience: newly qualified architects or final year students.

Must be presented:

-Personal Data
-Copy of ID card, passport or resident
-Letter of Intent
-Brief curriculum

Submission of Applications by emailing:

Shipping Deadline December 1, 2014.

Tuition fees: 60 euros.

Maximum 10 seats.

The travel and accommodation costs are borne by the participants.

2 grants will be awarded hosting among those selected participants upon request.

Participants will be selected by the organizing team. The selection will be communicated on December 10, 2014.

Selected participants need to formalise the registration before December 16.

Download CV of Andrea Calvillo

Download CV Andrés Jaque


18th December 2014 → 11th April 2015