• Primavera Russa - Project Moscow
  • cast-apai
  • cat-apai
  • Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc. Vladimir x3 el Grande, 2012. Video HD. Color. Sound 24’. Courtesy of the artist
  • Christian García Bello. Los Tres Estanques, 2012. Video HD. Black and White. Sound 8'25''. Courtesy of the artist
  • Jacobo Bugarín. Cartas a las generaciones futuras, 2012. Video HD. Black and White. Sound 10'46''. Courtesy of the artist
  • Marta Alvim. The Death of an owl, 2012. Video HD. Color. Sound 9'45''. Courtesy of the artist
Primavera Russa - Project Moscow


Project Moscow is an artistic group action, with its initial development in an unfamiliar city for artists -Moscow-, during August 2012, whose influence transmitted creative encouragement during their stay in the Russian capital, and also after. So, at first four video-works were generated and also were, after their return, several art-installations related to the project.

Works by Marta Alvim, Christian García Bello, Jacobo Bugarín and Federico Strate-Pezdirc are inspired on a deep process of reflection emanated from trip: Alvim addresses transgression and perversion of human beings in their relationship with the natural environment; García Bello, on transposition of the place’s memory, linking the tradition of literary thought and social habits. Bugarín accentuates in conceptualization of History, the personal present of his meaning as an artist and architect. Finally, Strate-Pezdirc fans his most intimate personality with inflections from souvenir and reunion, linked to the capital’s everyday and overall. We note, therefore, that the rotundity of an eccentric urban geography derives decisively from in the immediate inspiration of artists in the transmitter exercise of their own particularity.

5th April 2014 → 1st June 2014
Curator: Alberto Cartón

Produced by:

In collaboration with:

Marta Alvim, Christian García Bello, Jacobo Bugarín, Federico Strate-Pezdirc