The project (Preposición) La habitación ((Proposition) the room), by the artists Elssie Ansareo (Mexico City, 1979) and Alaitz Arenzana (Bilbao, 1976), has been awarded the "Grant of Videographic Creation Production DKV - Es Baluard" which concede both institutions and to which they had submitted a total of 28 projects.
The directors of Es Baluard, Nekane Aramburu, and Colección DKV, Alicia Ventura, announced the winner project this morning in Barcelona LOOP Fair 2014, in a ceremony which also attended Elssie Ansareo, one of the authors of the winning project.
Endowed with 5,000 euros, the "Grant of Videographic Creation Production DKV - Es Baluard"aims to a project to develop a work -as well as specific work related to new models of relationship, communication and visibility of hospital practices and health through art- made by professional artists. The winning work will be exhibited in Es Baluard from December 10, 2014 to March 22, 2015.
The jury appreciate that this research project has its roots in similar works done by both artists individually and collectively, continuing a well-defined way of previous work on mental health and the dynamics with the spaces associated. Its approach gives voice to patients, proposes resolution and creative uncommon methodologies bringing new looks to the hospital setting, their praxis and all that implies.
The project entitled (Preposición) La habitación highlights the stigma of spaces for therapy of mental illness, particularly psychosis, in our society such as: fear of being confined to one of them, the symbolic representation of them in our culture, pointing to the root of the problem is "being crazy."
The idea is to provoke debate and critical analysis of these considerations spaces, proposing a new view from within, out of the diagnosis, raising an active partnership with all the human material with a proposal articulated double documentary and artistic character.
Taking as a starting point everything that evoked Virginia Woolf in her own room, linking the idea of artist studio space security as compared to the rooms of the sick. So propose a group of five psychotic creating your own room. Pose an audiovisual piece that will collect the transformation and construction of a common room, where new approaches were fixed ways of being and consider what these places to count on the advice of a psychologist and psychiatrist.
Elssie Ansareo (Mexico City, 1979) has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea where he also completed Doctorate Courses Image Technology.
She has exhibited individually in Espacio Marzana (Bilbao), Cubo Azul (León), Sala Bastero (Andoain) and participated in numerous group exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Foundation Gabarron New York, La Casa Encendida Madrid, CAC Malaga and Artium Vitoria. This Mexican artist has received major grants for her training as issued by Endesa for Visual Arts and has won awards such as the I Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Almería or Premio INJUVE de Artes Plásticas. Her work is included in collections such as the Town Hall of Pamplona,Artium Museum-Vitoria, Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, Museo de Teruel, Fundación Endesa, Fundación Bilboarte, Fundación Unicaja or Mediterráneo Centro Artístico (MECA).
Alaitz Arenzana (Bilbao, 1976), BA in Communication Studies, alternately creating experimental film and video making documentaries and commercials.
She’s part of the group Mrs Polaroiska along with María Ibarretxe. In 2003 won the Injuve Award and Best Soundtrack Mecal. Since then her works are exhibited in art centers and festivals like CA2M, Montehermoso, Guggenheim Bilbao, Festival des Cinémas differents of Paris among others. In 2008 obtained the Fellowship A.I.R Laboratory in Centre Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle of Warsaw.In 2012 received the First Prize Ertibil with the piece "Pilota Girls".
Also part of the group focused on research Ruemaniak dance and performing arts. Choreography Competition Award Madrid 2012. Their performance pieces have been shown in the Artium Museum, Reina Sofia Museum, Mercat de les Flors among others.
With the collaboration of: