418 thousand people visited Es Baluard in 2013

08th January 2014

418 thousand people visited Es Baluard in 2013

Es Baluard has received, during the year 2013, a total of 418,823 visitors, an increase of 22,334 visits in relation to 2012 and one of the best records of visitors of the museum's history.

This is the second consecutive year that Es Baluard enjoys a notable rise in visitors. Recall that in 2012 the museum received more than 61,983 visits than in 2011.

During 2013, the museum has developed its exhibition program with a total of 6 temporary exhibitions: “Mallorca and interpretation of the landscape. Works of the Es Baluard’s Collection", "Llorenç Ginard. Sculpture", "Broto Great Scores", "Cabinet: Pep Bonet", "Reproductibilitat 1.0" and "Amparo Sard. Pareidolia”.
In addition to temporary exhibitions, focusing on the museum's collection, could be seent he permanent exhibitions "Picasso Ceramics", "Duality" and "Joan Miró. Ubú on stage". It should be make a special mention of the opening of the room "Implosió. 1st movement" as part of the exhibition "Implosió" which will open on January 30, 2014 and will mean a reorganization of the museum's collection.

Throughout 2013 the museum has also scheduled a number of cultural and educational activities including school visits, visits to specific groups, family workshops, seminars, concerts, conferences and film, among others. Among these activities very well received and close the museum resident groups, we can highlight the presentation of Marina Abramovic video, music festival or events like Summer Pie, Palma Photo and workshops by AA group: Tomic Lab.