Es Baluard presented this morning the new agreement with AA:TOMIC Artistes Visuals Lab, the first associated project held by the museum, a typology that includes those public or private non-profit organizations seeking to establish a symbiotic and common construction relationship with the Es Baluard in a medium term, depending on each project.
The press conference took place in the middle of Plaça Porta Sta Catalina in Palma (above), a stage, according to the director of Baluard, Nekane Aramburu, which portrays” the museum is not only a physical place but must figure at the street”. The Association of Visual Artists of the Balearic Islands (AAVIB) and AA:TOMIC have staged, taking this in mind, a festive breakfast with the media. Appearing before the media:
- Nekane Aramburu, director of Es Baluard.
- Paco Espinosa, president of AAVIB.
- Carles Gispert, Alelí Mirelman and Neus Marroig (AA:TOMIC)
The associated project category, as AA:TOMIC, was born from the institutional will to open the museum to groups and associations as a new important step towards the social construction of the uses and meanings of the museum and demonstrates concern to join citizens, groups and associations as active agents in the Es Baluard’s content. One of the conditions is that they have a regular schedule of activities or actions aimed at developing the creation and/or in accordance with the evolution and the drive of contemporary society permanently evolving.
This agreement between the museum and AA:TOMIC arises from the meeting held last June 19, 2013 by Nekane Aramburu, director of Es Baluard, which aimed to establish connections with independent groups. The AA:TOMIC proposal consists of specifically establish a symbiotic link to promote new ways of working and collaborate with the museum autonomously.
Collaboration with AA:TOMIC will start on November 15, 18 and 19, with the workshop "Liquid Times: Laboratory of soft materials”, ran by Lara Fluxà and which will include a panel discussion open to the public ( November 15 ) with a critical reflection by Mateu Cabot, professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory at the UIB, and Hector Sanz, art historian. To this activity, will be added those carried out by Es Baluard and AA:TOMIC in 2014 (more information on this activity).
The AA:TOMIC Artistes Visuals Lab Project was born within The Visual Artists Association of the Balearic Islands (AAVIB) as part of an innovation process of the association with the aim of enhancing their community of artists, generating new resources and benefits for partners and, in parallel, building social innovation processes, through educational and participatory culture.
AA:TOMIC labs are learning and knowledge exchange process with an experimental nature, to promote thinking, creativity and critical discourse. From the AAVIB and with activation of the AA:TOMIC Artistes Visuals Lab Project, the aim is to to develop practical experiences that give ideas of how culture and the creative process can be reversed in society beyond the artistic product. In this sense, all partners are invited to be storytellers and viewers of these processes. As part of the AAVIB, AA:TOMIC programs interventions, workshops, seminars, visits, research groups and other activities to demonstrate and promote the resources and applications of creativity and, simultaneously, to value the principles defends the association.