The Board of the Fundació Es Baluard Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma approved today, in regular session, the accounts of the museum until 2013, year in which the museum had a budget of expenses and investments 2,045,300 €. Regarding expected and compared to what was budgeted, the total resources used was increased 0.37%, while the total anticipated revenue increased by 6.20%. The budget has been balanced with a negative surplus of 318,000 euros, which have been absorbed with positive accumulated surpluses from previous years.
The sum of the contributions of the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Consell de Mallorca and Palma City Council this budget was €1,020,000, representing a decrease of 37% compared to the institutional contribution of 2012. The contribution corresponded to Govern de les Illes Balears was 420,000 €, 350,000 € to Palma City Council and € 250,000 to Consell de Mallorca.
In presenting the budget to the Board, is attached audit report without objection.
Also at the meeting has given approval to the Annual Reports, which are highlighted:
- That during 2013, the museum had a total of 418,823 visitors, an increase of 22,334 persons in relation to 2012 and one of the best records in the history of the museum. In this regard, last year was the second straight in which Baluard had a remarkable rise in visitors.
- During this year, the museum developed new ways to investigate and present his collection and a line of descriptive programming in accordance with the historiographical and new presentations of contemporary needs.
- In addition to temporary exhibitions focusing on the museum's collection, was able to visit the permanent rooms dedicated to his background. We must make a special mention of the opening of the room "Implosió. 1st movement" as part of the exhibition "Implosió", which opened on January 30, 2014 and that means a reorganization of the museum's collection.
- Throughout 2013, the museum held a line of own production activities in collaboration with various groups energizing spaces and new ways of working on sponsorship and income from events.
- With public vocation, work from the Education team has implemented, as well as those aimed at school groups-skilled innovative programs as "Les Cliniques d'Es Baluard" training for artists, or education as pioneers formats "Cartografiem-nos" or "Transiting the experience through your objects". Programs presented, all of them, in various places.
Also, the Activity Report 2013 reflects the first months management Nekane Aramburu, who took over as director in March this year. At this early stage, he worked mainly on two axes:
- Build an identity as a museum of the Balearic Islands, from brand association with culture Baluard next and international environment. This, considering that this is a museum that performs its own functions as a center that preserves and researches the history of art, but with a vocation to be a living center and it works with creators and reference groups Balearic creation and international from the horizontal. This took place while shaping the campaign for the tenth anniversary of the museum, from a logo associated with a series of actions throughout 2014.
- Build a strong, self-contained corporate commitment based on excellence and efficiency of work objectives. Implementation of models for processes and projects cross. Make sense of the building and circulation. Establishing the Basis/Mission museum.
They visited a meeting of the Board of the Foundation Baluard:
- José Ramón Bauzá, president del Govern de les Illes Balears.
- Antonio Gómez, conseller de Presidencia del Govern de les Illes Balears.
- Joan Rotger, vicepresidente de Cultura, Patrimoni y Deportes del Consell Insular de Mallorca.
- Jaume Juan, conseller ejecutivo de Presidencia del Consell Insular de Mallorca.
- Mateu Isern, alcalde de Palma.
- Fernando Gilet, teniente de alcalde de Cultura y Deportes del Ajuntament de Palma.
- Pere A. Serra, presidente de la Fundació d’Art Serra.
- Carme Serra, vicepresidenta de la Fundació d’Art Serra.
- Nekane Aramburu, directora de Es Baluard.
- José Ferrer, secretario de la Fundació Es Baluard.
The annual accounts, the report of activities and the audit report will be available soon on the website of the museum as performed Baluard since its opening.