Date: 1963
Technique: Video: Single-channel, black and white, sound
Duration: 5' 30''
Edition: 11/99
Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de Palma
Reg. no.: 895
Entry date: 2017
Not on display
This piece, which was ahead of its time, was first exhibited as part of the happening Neun Nein Dé-coll / agen (9 No Dé-coll / age), held in nine places in Wuppertal on 14th November 1963 and organised by the Galerie Parnass. The public moved from one place to another by bus; the sites included a cinema which screened Sun in your Head as the people lay on the floor. The film was a response to Vostell’s principle of dé-coll/age, based on the moving image. Whereas until then this artist had modified TV images as they were broadcast, he was now able to compose the time sequence. In 1963 Vostell instructed the cameraman Edo Jansen to film distorted TV images of the television screen. The film was officially launched in 1964, at the Leidseplein theatre in Amsterdam. It was re-edited and copied on video in 1967. The video shows deformed, manipulated images of John F. Kennedy, a military parade, several news presenters and politicians greeting each other, among others, with titles such as Magazin der Woche and Deutsches Fernsehen inserted between them, indicating the sources from which the sequences were taken. Obviously, the work is in other collections and museums; in 2017, Es Baluard acquired the series Dé-coll/age Video Films 1963-1971, comprised of seven videographic pieces by the German creator.