In her work Soto develops two lines of investigation which are in turn articulated in series: one she calls “Espacios del arte” (Art spaces), through which she analyses the relationship between art and its spaces, spaces related to the work, its place of creation or the place where works are stored or displayed - in short, where the work “lives”, as reflected in the series “Archivos de Archivos” (Archives of Archives, 1998-2006). The other line alludes to “Paisaje a través del viaje” (Landscape through travel), by way of spaces experienced, surrounding us and provoking a reflection on the place we move around in as in the case of “Doom City” (2005) or “Huellas” (Tracks, 2004). They are empty landscapes and spaces in which the presence of the person/people is intuited through thought and memory, but is not present because the artist’s intention is for the spectator to identify with this space and project everything that may happen from his or her interior on the basis of the image. Over the last few years Soto has collaborated with different projects related to poetry, theatre and film: she took part in the 17th Poetry Festival in the Palau de la Música (Barcelona, 2001) through a multimedia installation; she created the set for the play Las tierras de Alvargonzález in the Teatro María Guerrero, (Madrid, 2009); and she made the short film Las que viven en la niebla (2010) alongside Spanish film director Chus Gutiérrez. Since 1993, when she held her first individual exhibition in the Espai 13 hall of the Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona), her work has been exhibited in Sala Montcada, “la Caixa”, (Barcelona, 1996), Koldo Mitxelena, (San Sebastián, 2004), Fundación Telefónica (Madrid, 2004), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, 2005), Centre d´Art la Panera (Lleida, 2006), Museo Patio Herreriano (Valladolid, 2007), Centre d’Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona, 2007), Fundación Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid, 2009) and Museo de Zaragoza (2010).