Book presentation: Las Sinsombrero by Tània Balló

Punt de llibre

  • Day: February 13, 2020
  • Schedule: 7:00 pm
  • Location: Hall
  • Free activity

Es Baluard continues Punt de llibre cycle, which proposes the publication of publications by its authors each month to create a space for reflection on contemporary art, art practice, museums and a wide range of cross-cutting topics affecting the cultural sector.

On this occasion, two books will be presented, which collect the memory of the artists and thinkers of the 27th Generation, called Las Sinsombrero, written by the film director and writer, Tània Balló. The books correspond to two documentaries with the same title. The author will attend the activity in a double program in which will screen Ocultas e impecables, second part of the project, at 8:00pm., after the presentation of the books.

Both quotes will be presented by Victòria Morell, documentary filmmaker and delegate of the Association of Women Filmmakers at CIMA Balears, and Magda Rubí, professor at ESADIB (Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic de les Illes Balears) and audiovisual media researcher.

The Sinsombrero 1: La historia merece ser contada entera

The book seeks to recover the memory and avatars of various artists and thinkers of the 27th. Women who took off their hat, this intellectual corset who relegated them to the role of wives and mothers, and participated without complexes in the intellectual life Spanish language school between the 1920s and 1930s. These include: Rosa Chacel, Ernestina de Champourcín, Margarita Gil Roësset, María Teresa León, Maruja Mallo, Concha Méndez, Ángeles Santos or María Zambrano. Free and breaking women also in their private, passionate and exciting lives. they anticipated, and made possible, the women of today.

Las Sinsombrero 2: Ocultas e impecables

It recovers the legacy and ups and downs of those Sinsombrero who, for various reasons, had to adapt to the role that Francoism offered them. During their terrible internal exile, from almost absolute ostracism, they were able to take on a task that has been central to the social, political and cultural history of the country, which has never claimed them. These belligerent women, each brilliant in their discipline, adapted to the circumstances of becoming what they wanted to be, even under other identities or assuming a double life, one for the repressive and impeccable society, and another free but hidden.

Tània Balló
Film producer and director

She studied at the Center for Cinematographic Studies of Catalonia (CECC) and pursued a postgraduate course in Documentary, Research and Development at New York University. His first projects were two collective works, 200 km. (2003), presented at the San Sebastian Festival, and Between The Dictator and Me (2005), a film in which several directors born after Franco’s death reflect on their lost memory.

She also produces the Argentinean film Infancia clandestina (2013), by Benjamí Ávila, a feature-length film released in Cannes. Later he addresses the production and co-direction of Las Sinsombrero (2015 and 2019), a transmedia project co-produced by TVE.

Films Gender Género history llibre
13th February 2020 → 13th February 2020