Sandro Mezzadra
Sandro Mezzadra is professor of Political Theory at the University of Bologna and Associate Researcher at the Culture and Society Institute of Western Sydney University. He has been visiting professor and researcher at different centres, including the New School for Social Research (New York), Humboldt University (Berlin), Duke University (Durham, North Carolina), Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris), University of Ljubljana, FLACSO Ecuador and UNSAM (Buenos Aires). Over the past decade, his work has focused mainly on the relationships between globalisation, migration and political processes, on contemporary capitalism, as well as on postcolonial theory and criticism. He is an active participant in debates on post-operaismo and one of the founders of the Euronomade website (
His published work includes: Derecho de fuga. Migraciones, ciudadanía y globalización (Traficantes de Sueños, 2005), La condizione postcoloniale. Storia e politica nel presente globale (Ombre Corte, 2008), Un mondo da guadagnare. Per una teoria politica del presente (Meltemi, 2020) and In the Marxian Workshops: Producing Subjects (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018). Along with Brett Neilson, he is also author of Border as Method (Duke University Press, 2013) and The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism (Duke University Press, 2019). He has worked on various European and international research projects, and currently coordinates the Horizon 2020 PLUS (Platforms, Labour, Urban Spaces) project.
Daniel García Andújar
Daniel García Andújar is a visual artist, theorist and activist who, through irony and the use of the presentation strategies of new communication platforms, questions the democratic and egalitarian promises made by these media outlets, and criticises the desire for control they hide behind their apparent transparency. He is the founder of Technologies to the People, member of (an international reference for art online) and director of various internet-based projects such as, and Postcapital Archive (1989–2001).
His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions around the world, including Manifiesta 4, 53rd Venice Biennale, Helsinki Photography Biennial, Guangzhou Image Triennial, Kyiv Biennial and 3rd Seoul International Biennale of Media Art. In 2015 Manuel J. Borja-Villel organised a tour of his work at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, and in 2017 he participated in documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel.
Paola Lo Cascio
Paola Lo Cascio is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona and Deputy Director of the Centre for International History Studies (CEHI-UB). She is also director of the magazine Índice Histórico Español. She has a degree in Political Science (La Sapienza, Rome, 1999) and a PhD in Contemporary History (University of Barcelona, 2005). She has spent time as a postdoctoral researcher at the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisboa (ICS-UL) and as visiting professor at several universities, such as the University of Cambridge and the Università Roma Tre. She is a collaborator of the Escuela Sindical Confederal Juan Muñiz Zapico de Comisiones Obreras and collaborates in different media, such as El Periódico de Cataluña and El País. Her research interests focus on the history of political institutions, regionalism, nationalism, new forms of governance and political culture, institutions, conflict and social changes throughout the 20th century in Spain.
ates the world we live in from a feminist and critical perspective. Her political commitment has led her to deal with the conflicts and problems that take place not only in her country but also internationally, in places such as Cuba, Mexico, the former Yugoslavia, or nearer ones to us, such as Barcelona.
Isabell Lorey
Isabell Lorey is a political theorist and professor of Queer Studies in the Arts and Sciences at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (Germany). She is part of transversal (, the publication platform of the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (eipcp). Here books include in English State of Insecurity. Government of the Precarious, London: Verso 2015; Democracy in the Political Present. A Queer-Feminist Theory, London: Verso 2022. Books in Spanish: Estado de Inseguridad. Gobernar la Precariedad, Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños 2016; Disputas sobre el sujeto. Judith Butler y Michel Foucault, Buenos Aires: La Cebra 2017; Democracia en presente, Buenos Aires/Málaga: Tinta Limon/subtextos 2022.
Ibrahim Mahama
Ibrahim Mahama visual artist. He received his MFA in Painting and Sculpture from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Kumasi, Ghana). In his installations and wall-based works, Ibrahim Mahama considers the ways in which capital and work are expressed in common materials. Their history speaks of how global transactions and capitalist structures work. Mahama participated in the first Ghana Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale where he created a bunker-like space made out of the mesh used to smoke fish and filled it with references to Ghana’s history. Mahama has had multiple solo installations in Accra and Kumasi, as well as solo exhibitions in Dublin, Michigan, and at White Cube in London.
Luis Navarro Monedero
Luis Navarro Monedero is a philosopher and writer. He has eschewed the academic and institutional worlds, preferring to act from the outside to bring about shifts in cultural paradigms that define how he sees and positions himself. In the 1990s he was the driving force behind the dispersed Industrias Mikuerpo collective, which was very active in creating a networked culture through autonomous platforms (social centres, fanzine and mail-art circuits, aesthetic activism, etc.). He later sought to promote critique and explore the situationist experience by founding the Archivo Situacionista Hispano and Literatura Gris publishing house. In the same vein, he helped set up the Maldeojo collective, a space for debate that strove to bring critique of the spectacle into the internet age. His current interests focus on art as an object of reflection and a medium for social action.
Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler is an artist, art critic, writer, and Professor Emerita of Fine Arts. She uses media such as video, photography, photomontage, sculpture, installation and performance. Rosler’s work is centered on the role of women in society, as represented in the media and advertising, as well as the relationship between private life and the public sphere. A major focus of her attention is “the right to the city,” encompassing housing, homelessness, and the built environment, as well as systems of transportation.Rosler interrogates the world we live in from a feminist and critical perspective. Her political commitment has led her to deal with the conflicts and problems that take place not only in her country but also internationally, in places such as Cuba, Mexico, the former Yugoslavia, or nearer ones to us, such as Barcelona.
Rafael Borràs
Rafael Borràs has carried out various responsibilities as part of the CCOO union and worked as a socio-labour analyst at the Gadeso Foundation. Retired since May 2018, he still regularly collaborates with various media outlets in Mallorca. He writes regularly for the Alba Sud development research and communication association and for Sin Permiso digital magazine. His published work includes essays such as Precarietat. De la inestabilitat a la pobresa laboral. El cas de les Illes Balears (Fundació Gadeso, 2015) and Pens, dic, faig… (Ona Mediterrània, 2019). He coordinated Anuari del treball de les Illes Balears 2016 (GOIB, 2017) and took part in collective publications including Anuari del turisme de les Illes Balears (Agència d’Estratègia Turística de les Illes Balears, 2014, 2015 and 2016 editions) and #TourismPostCOVID19. Turistificación confinada (Alba Sud Editorial, 2021).