Es Baluard delivers the museum’s honour-passport to Andreu Muntaner

27th February 2014

Es Baluard delivers the museum's honour-passport to Andreu Muntaner

Collector Andreu Muntaner, accompanied by the head of Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca, Xisco Bonnin, visited this morning the exhibition "Reproductibilitat 1.1" to prepare the activity-finissage of next Thursday, March 6. During the visit they were received by the Es Baluard's director, Nekane Aramburu, who delivered the museum's honour-passport to Andreu Muntaner (above).

"Meeting with the proto-history through the eyes of Andreu Muntaner" will treat the early photography from the look of Andreu Muntaner, collector of photographic images and devices and connoisseur of its history and early techniques.

More information about this "Reproductibilitat 1.1" activity-finissage