In 1984, he settled in New York, where he found the ideal place for developing a new personal language that brings a novel dimension to painting. The imperfect surface of his canvases, which are monochrome at first sight, contains a highly poetic charge related to memory and memories. Carroll works with several techniques that allow him to give his painting an almost sculptural look: slashes, the reuse of canvases from other works and everyday objects or ones that reference his personal life, the insertion of one painting within another and the application of light are just some of the techniques that provide the multiplicity of perspectives needed to fulfil his vision. In 1992, Carroll took part in Documenta in Kassel. His work has been on display at the Guggenheim Museum SoHo in New York (1995), the Museo Cantonale d’Arte in Lugano (1997), the Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce di Genova (2005), and the Museo Correr in Venice (2008), among others.