The series “Feim Films", dedicated to Balearic cinema, screens Llànties de foc (lamps of fire), within a new edition of “Feim biopics“. This documentary focuses on the exceptional figure of a universal Mallorca, Joan Mascaró I Fornés (1897-1987), still relatively unknown in our country. After the screening, there will be a discussion panel with the co-director of the film, Sílvia Ventayol.
Llànties de foc
Length 56 min.
Directors: Silvia Ventayol and Nofre Moyà.
Executive producers: Pablo Azorín Williams, Magdalena López-Baisson and Joan Carles Martorell.
Image: Javier González.
Edition: Alberto Jarabo.
Graphism: Luis Ozonas.
Music: Francesc Albéniz.
Synopsis: Born in 1897 into a family of humble peasants in Santa Margalida, Mallorca, Joan Mascaró succeeded with effort and merits to overcome all adversities, including poverty to which he was subject all his life. He lived three of the cruellest wars of the twentieth century: the Spanish Civil War, World War II and the Algerian war. But his career is marked by his work as a translator. In this sense, the documentary shows the slope, which was performed from a clear ideology: to establish a bridge of dialogue between civilizations, encourage the use of nonviolence in conflict resolution and help to find the individual the true path for its spiritual realization. Today, his translation from Sanskrit into English of the Bhagavad Gita (1962) and the Upanishads (1965) as well as the Dhammapada’s take more than 40 years of uninterrupted editions. Their copies sold in Europe and America are counted by millions.
With the collaboration of: